Buying and selling Real Estate. No longer do we have to buy or sell property as a whole, we can do this in fractions.
At Piptle Agency, we call this 1sqm @ a Time™
Tokenisation is a process that divides an asset/property into digital tokens, which act as ownership shares. This is also commonly referred to as fractional property.
When we buy a share on the stock market, we own a piece of a company and we share in dividends. With fractional property, you can buy a token and share in the rental income and the capital gain.
At present, only 8% of Australians have invested in real estate. When properties are offered in fractions ie: 1sqm @ a Time™, this will allow more investors to get into the property market.
Tokens can be traded securely on an exchange platform and be accessible to investors worldwide.
Learn how to CAPITALISE on this new way of buying and selling property, add value to your business and increase your customer base.
Do not miss this event to grow your knowledge about fractional property!
Please note, our last 2 events in Brisbane and Gold Coast SOLD OUT quickly!
So please make sure you book your ticket to secure your seat!
*IMPORTANT Please complete one order form per attendee.
This Event includes:
- 2 Hours of High-Value Presentations
- Networking Opportunities
- Token giveaways
- Spot Prizes
- Lunch
- Coffee and Tea
Learn about the ‘New Way to buy and sell Real Estate’ 1 sqm @ a Time™ globally
Learn how you can start owning Fractional Property
Learn about Rent Paying Tokens
Learn about Tokenising for the Real Estate Industry
Learn about Blockchain Innovation
Join us now and get a step ahead #tokenisation #property #realestate #tokens #NFT #smartcontracts